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Catawba Brewing Co.
Grapefruit Cold IPA
American IPA
% IBU:
This beer was brewed with a lager-esque grain bill, including Pilsner malts and flaked rice. It also employs a cold-fermenting lager yeast strain -- hence the name, Cold IPA. However, it's actually fermented a bit warmer than usual for a lager at 65 degrees, making this a hybrid style that still manages to earn its A (for ale). And this is why you better not even think of calling it an IPL. As you'd expect, it was hopped aggressively with a blend of Columbus, Amarillo, Mosaic, and Lemondrop -- both in the whirlpool and dry-hopped. And we even threw in some grapefruit puree during fermentation, because why not? We're racing right past our first Cold IPA into our first fruited Cold IPAs.
Grapefruit Cold IPA
is not currently on tap anywhere. Check back again soon!